Let BBL be your sourcing partner in Asia
In today’s global economy, to remain competitive companies needs to utilize the comparative advantage that each economy in the world offers. And right now Asia is region of choice for high-quality, low-cost and reliable supply of manufactured goods.
Sourcing direct from Asia can be a perilous experience. Fraudulent trading companies, middlemen posing as factories, factories with inadequate quality control or quality assurance, and more generally people a half a world away seeking to cut costs at your expense all pose serious risks to Western buyers seeking lower cost solutions, but in the end often are left with inadequate products, unacceptable levels of defect, and, sometimes, nothing at all.
In this Wild West of modern commerce a trusted guide is in your company’s best interest. A guide who is fluent both American and Chinese culture and language. One who understands manufacturing, customs, and logistics and can recognize signs of trouble before a problem materializes. One who can meet factories face-to-face and inspect shipments before you pay. A company that can wield the expertise of two decades of experience. The BBL Group is such a guide.
BBL provides the following services to its sourcing partners:
Factory Visits: In Asian business culture the “first 30%” of a business relationship begins when a face-to-face meeting is made. BBL will expertly locate the best factory in Asia to match its client, establish that first 30%, inspect their facility, and attain a reading of this source’s integrity and dependability. This protects BBL’s clients against fraudulent suppliers found on the internet or factories with substandard quality or practices.
Lowest Possible Prices: BBL deals almost exclusively with factories who make the goods, not exporters, sales companies, or trading companies who resell. These factories are often difficult to find and require feet on the ground, and conduct business by a different set of rules that Westerners which requires a competent translator. Furthermore, BBL’s Asian partners are expert negotiators and proficient at the Asian way of doing business, so BBL’s clients can feel comfortable knowing their interests are being represented well.
Quality Assurance: Before a BBL shipment leaves its country of origin or payment is tendered, BBL will personally inspect the shipment when deemed necessary, ensuring the proper number of products, packaging, and quality standards are met, adding another level of security to the transaction for BBL’s client.
Security: BBL uses suppliers who are vouched for by trusted third parties, and lock those suppliers in contracts generated by our in-house legal counsel in Asia. This assures that our clients’ shipments will be prepared to specification and that our exclusivity agreements are respected.

Added Value: Unlike most import or trade companies, BBL will not simply drop a shipment at your door and bug you once per week to re-order and at the same time try to sell around your back. We will work with you to help you sell the products we sell you, and respect your selling territory because we understand that if both of us work together then we’ll move more total product in the long run.
Export License: BBL has access to export licenses in Taiwan and China that enables it to purchase direct from small factories that often provide the lowest prices. This is another way BBL enables small-to-medium-sized companies to compete with the big guys.
Flawless Communication: Often poor communication is to blame for an international deal going sour. While Asian trading companies and factories hire “English-speaking” locals to deal with foreign customers, the details, intricacies, style, nuance, and levels of priority that are critical for the customer’s competitive edge will inevitably be lost in translation. BBL’s Taipei partner Paul Liang grew up in Taiwan and graduated from at the University of Washington. Having an agent who is fully fluent in both languages and cultures is essential for creating a smooth and fluid sourcing relationship with Asia.
Door Delivery Shipping: BBL’s decades-long relationship with its freight forwarder network means that your orders will arrive at your door with maximum speed and minimal cost, totally secured in a network build over 20 years.
Contact Us today to discuss your sourcing needs at anton@bblgroup.us or 206.633.1451.